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A comforting scene in a cozy kitchen setting where a man is gently placing his hand on the shoulder of a distressed woman .

I was really upset after problems at my old job. But this group helped me a lot. They taught me about my rights and how to look for a better job. Now, I'm working where people treat me well. Thank you for all the help without having to use my name.


Man in a business suit holding a paper with a redacted document silhouette, in a sunlit office.

After losing my job because of my disability, I felt like I had lost everything. My coworkers were my support network, and when a manager openly discriminated against me for my condition and my right to FMLA leave, it was crushing. The worst part was hearing the hurtful comments myself. When I stood up for my rights, I was met with false accusations from HR and lost my job. But that's when I found this amazing community. They embraced me when I was most vulnerable, gave me the strength to stand back up, and showed me that my experience didn't define my worth. They helped me see a future beyond the hurt and gave me the tools to move forward. My situation was dire, but the support, understanding, and resources I received turned things around. I've found hope again, and it's all thanks to this incredible group of people who believe in justice and support for those of us who have been wronged in the workplace.

A comforting scene in kitchen setting where a man is gently placing his hand on the shoulder of a distressed woman .

I was in a dark place, struggling with domestic violence that affected my job performance. Showing up to work with bruises and lack of sleep was my reality, and I was on the verge of quitting. But then I found support in this community. A kind member took the time to guide me, help me find resources, and navigate through this tough time. They opened my eyes to rights I didn't know I had. I'm not only still employed but I've also been promoted. I'm so grateful for the light they shone on my path to a better place

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